Reflecting on Reflective Practice: Week 5 and Tool Boxes
"Tool Boxes"
(Image from 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse" by Charlie Mackesy - coloured by Marta)
Marta reflects
This week's discussions revolved around the theme “Tool Boxes”.
This metaphor offers a great opportunity to think about our skills and know-how and lends itself to wonderful parallels to reflect about.
Is it about the number of tools contained in it?
Or is it about how well can you use them?
Do you carry multipurpose tools?
Are you particularly skilful at using a tool in particular?
Can you find the tool needed for the job in time?
Do you replace and discard old useless ones?...
And yet, it isn’t just about the tool itself, is it?...
Is the wood too hard?
That metal might easily scratch
Is it the right time of year?
Has the screw lost its head?
A tool box is as good or as bad a the person that handles it.
The more we think about this a new question arises… is it about the tool at all ?
Doesn’t the smallest little thing do the job sometimes to perfection?
It could be all new and sparkling…. even boxed! But in the wrong hands… useless, perhaps even dangerous.
You need to know what it takes to tackle a problem.
A tool box is useful, of course it is, but those tools still need you, your skill and ability, they are only as good as their owner.
Do you actually know what the problem it is at all?
Did the rust build because it was left outside or had it been misplaced inside?
A tool box is for show too – a plumber without it would be looked upon with suspicion – so would a butcher without a knife. Our tool box reassures the other, props us like in a theatre play, building a scenery, a plot, unveiling a rosy end.
Get to know your tool box – work with it, clean it, sharpen it, renew it, find quirky little bits that might come in handy… you’ve looked for them before, keep them. Explore your box for those forgotten old friends that once helped too.
Remember the ones your apron carries too; those handy light little pliers that get you out of trouble in no time and a warm smile as you hand them over and invite the magic in.
A tool box needs looking after, in our profession, we call it CPD : )
Netty reflects |
My tool box
My tool box isn’t
made of wood,
I can’t hold it
in my hand,
You cannot look
into it,
In order to
My tool box is
Qualifications - not
full measure,
Experience has
much to add,
Together makes
new treasure.
My tool box
changes every day,
As I live, work
and learn,
I study hard and
I read much,
As some tools
must be earned.
My tool box is a
For all I have to
In my work and in
my life,
New uses to
My tool box is
not stagnant,
It grows and
flows with me,
I carry it
wherever I go,
In work, alone or with thee.
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